Oily skin
Oily skin can result from genetics, hormones, stress, and diet, and if not managed, can lead to skin concerns such as acne. Possible treatment options include botox (mesobotox), chemical peel, microneedling and topical care.
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common causes of oily skin
Oily skin can be caused by genetics, hormonal changes, and environmental factors such as stress and diet. Oily skin can lead to acne and other skin concerns if not properly managed.
recommended treatments for oily skin
Botox relaxes the underlying facial muscles, which reduces the appearance of dynamic wrinkles caused by muscle movement, such as crow's feet, forehead lines, and frown lines. The effects typically last 3-4 months. While Mesobotox, reduces pore size and oil skin production (ideal for balancing skin oiliness.)
topical skin care
Topical skincare is the first line of treatment in any skin condition. Products such as cleansers, moisturizers, and serums, can improve the appearance and health of the skin, it can also help in the treatment of Acne, control oil skin, and moisturize and hydrate dry and dehydrated skin. It can protect the skin from environmental and sun damage, clear hyperpigmentation and improve the overall skin health and appearance.
Chemical peels or skin resurfacing, involves application of a chemical solution to the skin, divided into two types: inflammatory and anti-inflammatory. Inflammatory (TCA and Retinoic) penetrates deeper in the dermis layer, typically done during cold season and results with skin peeling & flacking. Takes 1 week to 10 days to heal. Non-inflammatory (Mandelic and Salicylic acid) can be done during summer and winter season, as it’s not aggressive and peeling or flacking off is non to minimal. Takes 2 days to 5 days to heal. It is crucial to protect the skin from the sun post-treatment and follow the recommended aftercare guidelines.